Using Neurofeedback to Help Your Child Focus Better
At UR Wellness Neurofeedback Center, we get many calls from parents asking if Neurofeedback Brain Training can assist their child with the ability to stay on task & if it can assist their child to improve their focus and concentration. Many of these children have difficulty sleeping, suffer anxiety, have a low self-esteem and have often been diagnosed with a learning disability or dyslexia.
How do you help your child stress less, sleep better & focus more?

The answer lies within brainwave dynamics and assisting your child to transition more efficiently. A healthy nervous system enables you to meet every event of life with calm and resilience. It keeps all your muscles, organs and tissues of your body working at its full efficiency, giving you a sharper sensory perception and creating a sense of vitality and energy in your whole being. Your brain is always working with every other key system in your body - your immune system, endocrine system, cardiac system, digestive system -- so if you positively change part of this interconnected brain-body network, you're likely to start healthy changes throughout the whole thing.
The brain is amazingly adaptable and capable of learning and can also learn to improve its own performance. By making information available to the brain about how it is functioning, and asking it to make adjustments, it can do so.
A Balanced Brain
Brain health is all about the flexibility and resilience of the central nervous system. Children often get stuck in over arousal or under arousal and are not able to transition easily between the two states. Difficulty in transitioning can be seen when a child moves from recess into the classroom. A child who has a robust nervous system that transitions easily will not experience as much difficulty with the classroom work as a child who does not transition easily. By helping your child's brain to be more balanced their brain will be more efficient and focused.
How Do I Know If My Child's Brain is Unbalanced.?
Neurofeedback Brain Training uses brainwave dynamics to teach the brain to be stable, flexible and robust. Symptoms of an unbalanced or untrained brain are those usually associated with conditions such as attention deficit disorder (ADD), depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), sleeping disorders (insomnia, nightmares, night terrors, teeth grinding), migraines, chronic fatigue and mood disorders.
Neurofeedback Brain Training also allows a person to move out of undesirable states in which they become stuck, like panic, anxiety, anger, repetitive thinking and daydreaming. So, if a person cannot sleep, cannot focus, is irritable, and has extreme anxiety, brain training can reduce or eliminate all the problems “at the same time” because the problems are all due to underlying brain dynamics. An untrained brain is more likely to experience stress, poor sleep, poor focus, low self-esteem and inefficient performance.
Neurofeedback: Using the Brain to Teach Itself
Biofeedback is a learning technique that has been used for many years to teach meditation, however, it is also effective in improving focus and concentration, reducing anxious feelings, increasing self-awareness, reducing impulsivity, improving relaxation, eliminating headaches and producing normal, restful sleep.
Neurofeedback is biofeedback for the brain and focuses on stabilizing brain wave dynamics using a holistic approach to training your brain. It is not about teaching people to attain specific states like focus, relaxation or physical stillness. It is about teaching the brain to be so flexible and robust that when someone needs to attain and maintain any state they can.
Neurofeedback is Exercise for the Brain
Through brain training our nervous system undergoes a process by which it returns to its own, intrinsic healthy chaos and is able to return to the present. It is a very simple yet profound process -- in fact one could very well say that it is the simplicity of the process that makes it so profound. The brain is fine; it is the dynamics of brain communication that are inefficient. Small changes in dynamics can produce huge positive changes in behavior.
Neurofeedback Brain Training in Vancouver
Penny Hyndman is an Advanced NeurOptimal® Practitioner and is trained in CranioSacral Therapy with the Upledger Institute and has completed a 3-year Mentorship in subtle energy techniques with Suzanne Scurlock. She is a graduate of the Vancouver General Hospital School of Nursing and has over 30 years' experience in the Nursing Healing Arts.
Penny works with children and adults integrating the cutting-edge technology of NeurOptimal® with subtle energy techniques to promote rapid transformation. Learn more about the role of brain training in your child’s health by contacting Penny at UR Wellness Neurofeedback Centre in Vancouver, Burnaby, B.C.